Thursday, August 27, 2020
Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy Assignment
Incorporated Marketing Communications Strategy - Assignment Example We target guys and females maturing between 13 to 21 in eastern Canada. So as to make mindfulness and drive deals for our item, we have to make an incorporated showcasing correspondence system. Body Integrated showcasing correspondence procedure alludes to organizing and coordinating different correspondence diverts of the organization so as to convey a steady, clear, convincing message about the organization and its items. It alludes to perceive all such touch focuses where the client can experience the organization and its brands. Each contact with the brand will give a message, great, terrible or uninterested. The organization will need to convey a positive and reliable message with every one of the contacts. It will prompt absolute advertising correspondence system which will target building more grounded associations with client by indicating how the clients can find support to take care of their issues from the organization and its items. The coordinated showcasing corresponden ce procedure will make a tie of the company’s pictures and messages. A mixed blend of the advancement apparatuses can be utilized for advancing our company’s items. It tends to publicize, individual selling, advertising, direct showcasing and deals advancement. Presently a day, clients get barraged with the messages of organization from all headings. The company’s print notice and TV will have a similar look, message; feel like its own selling correspondence and email. The material of its open connection will extend a similar picture like its informal organization nearness and site. Under the arrangement of generally speaking advertising correspondence one of a kind jobs played by various media must be facilitated cautiously by the organization so as to draw in, educate and convince buyers. It must arrange all the touch purposes of clients for guaranteeing clear brand messages. Furnished with a showcasing spending plan of $1million for half year time span, disti nctive sort of advancement instrument can be utilized by the accompanying portion: Advertising $0.40 million, individual selling $0.20 million, open connection $ 0.18 million, direct advertising $0.10 million, deals advancement $0.12 million. Additional spending ought to be made towards publicizing as promoting is an excellent type of educating and convincing clients about a company’s items. It is a paid type of non individual advancement and introduction of products, administrations and thoughts by a distinguished support. Publicizing can be instructive, enticing and update. Making a promoting technique needs two significant components. It comprises of making publicizing messages and choosing a media for promotion. Open connection is another advancement device which targets assembling great relations with different publics of organization by working up a decent corporate picture, acquiring exposure, taking care of off horrible stories, bits of gossip and occasions. A few dev ices can be utilized for open connection like news, talks, extraordinary occasions, composed materials, varying media materials, corporate personality materials, open help exercises, promoting efforts and long range informal communication forms. Individual selling is a relational arm of limited time blend. Through the procedure of individual selling, the salesmen of an organization convey and make client esteem through close to home association with the clients. It is a type of individual introduction by the business power of firm to support up deals and to manufacture relationship with
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sexual Stereotypes and Stereotyping :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism
Sexual Stereotyping: False Preconceptions and False Conclusions in Blaming Technology   In a portion titled The Feminist Face of Antitechnology from his 1981 book Blaming Technology, Samuel C. Florman clarifies why he suspects as much scarcely any informed ladies in present day society are engineers.â The portion was composed soon after he had visited an all-female human sciences school, Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, to persuade a couple of young ladies to become engineers.â His strategic and his paper clarifies why he experienced such difficulty.   Florman has more than one thought regarding why youthful, taught ladies avoid designing as a vocation option.â First, he takes note of that America has acquired quite a bit of its way of life from England, where building has not been viewed as a high-class occupation.â This is clearly so in light of the fact that building didn't completely isolate from craftsmanship until the mid-nineteenth century.â Florman claims that generally youthful, male specialists originate from lower-and lower-working class families.â He likewise asserts that most young ladies who are instructed in math and science originate from center and privileged families.â For this explanation, Florman clarifies that informed ladies for the most part consider designing to be being underneath their social class, and subsequently don't seek after it as an option.â He underpins his situation with a tale about how Herbert Hoover, after a meaningful discussion, told a lady that he was a designer and how she res ponded,â Why, I thought you were a gentleman!1â Florman then goes to the women's activists and inquires as to why they haven't started to lead the pack in changing this circumstance.    Florman's primary contention against the women's activist development is that it is filled by a covetousness for power.â He proposes that ladies, particularly women's activists, are pulled in to discernible force, or force which is evident to the social eye.â They need to become specialists, legal advisors, and politicians.â The craving for power is likewise personally associated with social class, as per Florman.â He considers this to be one of the significant reasons concerning why not many ladies search out designing: they consider it to be a vocation without power.â Florman considers ladies to be being much more keen on the benefits than in the responsibilities.â According to him, a definitive women's activist dream will never be acknowledged as long as ladies would prefer to administer the world than help assemble it.â Until ladies endeavor to comprehend the innovation around them, and help to make it, they will consistently endure.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News Columbia Business School Redesigns Core Curriculum
Blog Archive MBA News Columbia Business School Redesigns Core Curriculum Columbia Business School (CBS) officially unveiled the details of its new core curriculum this week in a series of 12 videos, stating that the planned changes will be implemented for this fall’s incoming class of MBA students. According to Dean Glenn Hubbard, the new curriculum is designed to respond to “changes in business and the global economic environment†that will “ensure that the School maintains its preeminence as a leader in global business education.†Among the most notable changes is an increase in the number of electives that first-year students will be able to take in a specialized field before their summer internships. CBS added more electives to its then-rigid first-year curriculum in 2008 after receiving feedback that students felt underprepared in applying to industry-specific internships. The latest changes are the result of extensive research and evaluation conducted by a committee appointed by Dean Hubbard in January 2012. To allow for a further increase in flexibility, starting this year, the school will incorporate its required leadership course into the pre-term student orientation. Further, the core courses will be supplemented with online components, entrepreneurial and cross-disciplinary thinking will be emphasized across the curriculum and the “Decision Models†course, in particular, has been revamped to include a focus on big data. Share ThisTweet Columbia University (Columbia Business School) News
Monday, May 25, 2020
Racism And Racial Segregation A Color Blind Society
Race in America has been a conscientious objective since the beginning of time. Individuals of different hues perpetuate the racial spoils system which vigorously rejects the Martin Luther King theory of a color blind society. Throughout history, the criterion of which racism has stemmed has evolved vastly, yet it’s probably more of an issue in today’s current events than ever before. Through researched data I was able to create a census for this so called issue with race in America. This research project will be an expository of three valid sources which perceive race in America through differential diagnosis. The dogma of race has logical consequences that are profoundly important. If blacks, for example, are equal to whites in every way, what accounts for differential success levels or other factors? Since any theory of racial differences has been outlawed, America must be racked with a pervasive and horrible understanding of the concept of race since it has a deeper literal meaning than phenotypically. Through this textual evidence I plan to educate the ignorant of the many obstacles faced that go unseen or unheard in the Black community of America. Charles Jarmon is a professor of urban sociology, stratification, and modernization at Howard University. His work entitled E. Franklin Frazier s Sociology of Race and Class in Black America takes an in depth look at the study of race relations which Frazier proclaims is the study of American society itself. ThroughShow MoreRelatedThe Racism Of Black Resentment900 Words  | 4 PagesJim Crow racism? Blacks are no longer second class citizens of the United States after the social movement of civil rights. Wrong, a new ideology has developed which still constitute racism; it is called color blind racism. The idea that blacks are better off today than 50 years ago, but will not reach the superiority as whites hold in many institutions. Color blind racism ideologies operate in four frames which is abstract liberalism, biologization of culture, naturalization of racial matter, andRead MoreIs the Emphasis on a Color-Blind Society an Answer to Racism Essay1109 Words  | 5 Pagesthe emphasis on a Color-Blind Society an Answer to Racism? Racism is a word that sparks a nerve in many individuals today. As hard as it is to believe, racism is still a big factor in what we as a society know as a unified America. Although, it is not as obvious as it was in the past, it still goes on, just in ways that are less noticeable. We ask the question, is the emphasis on a color-blind society an answer to racism. Ward Connerly claims it is a way to stop the segregation and make AmericaRead MoreA Colorblind Society Will Not Work1215 Words  | 5 PagesOur society have been longed plagued by the question, are we able to achieve a Color Blind Society. There are a number of factors which may contribute to the breakdown of this idea in question. While it may be simply addressing issues of equality among minorities it also raises the concerns of the non-minorities not to address racism and oppression. For a minority or anyone for that matter to state that we can and should have a color-blind society is ignoring the reality of racial ex istence andRead MoreSegregation Within The Housing Market843 Words  | 4 PagesWhen people talk about racism throughout modern society, a question that emerges is â€Å"How does modern racism influence residency and neighborhoods in economic and political viewpoints?†Some argue that segregation within the housing market has been a devastating, long-term, issue for African Americans as a result of racial zoning due to income along with race, while others believe that the United States has indeed enforced policies to prevent blacks from obtaining and maintaining wealth to merge withRead MoreRacial Inequality797 Words  | 4 PagesRacial inequality is regrettably imbedded in the history of the United States. Americans like to think of the American colonies as the start or founding of the quest for freedom, initially, the ending of religious oppression and later political and economic liberty. Yet, from the start, the fabric of American society was equally founded on brut al forms of supremacy, inequality and oppression which involved the absolute denial of freedom for slaves. This is one of the great paradoxes of American historyRead MoreShould the US Strive for a Color-Blind Society?2199 Words  | 9 PagesShould the U.S strive for a Color-Blind Society? Why or why not? Customer Inserts His/her Name University Name Introduction Color-blindness or race blindness refers to the degree to which nations discriminate the minorities (generally the Black) from their local citizens. A color-blind society does not make such discriminations and treats all the individuals equally irrespective of their color, race, ethnicity, or nationality (Morrison, Plaut, Ybarra, 2010). Color-blindness is one of theRead MoreThe Myth Of Racial Americ Color Blind Racism3433 Words  | 14 Pages The Myth of ‘Post-racial’ America: Color-blind Racism in the Push to Repeal Affirmative Action in Higher Education By: Samantha L Bowden Dr. Bernd Reiter CPO 5934/LAS 6936: Race/Ethnicity/Nation December 2th, 2014 INTRODUCTION Across the sociological indicators, minorities, and especially blacks, â€Å"lag behind whites in the United States in terms of income, wealth, occupation and health status, educational attainment, and other relevant indicators†(Bonilla-SilviaRead MoreSlavery : Racism And Racism Essay1134 Words  | 5 PagesSlavery: A root to Racism. Slavery and Racism Slavery as described by Oxford dictionaries â€Å"a person who is the legal property of another is forced to obey them†was introduced to America dating back to 17th and 18th centuries. African slaves were first brought to America as a means of cheap labor to work on tobacco plantations and later on the cotton gin. With the constant demand for labor and declining population, the colonists were led to believe that African slaves were the cheapest and efficientRead MoreThe Treatment Of Minorities During The United States1576 Words  | 7 PagesTreatment of Minorities In the United States minorities are denied equal opportunities based on race and ethnicity in work, housing, and education this should change. They re labeled and stereotyped based on preconceived notions hurting their image in society we need to start educating the public on how these assumptions are untrue. This treatment violates their constitutional rights by denying their equality highlighting this country s failure to uphold its promise for a better life. Their race, sexRead MoreEthical Reasoning Essay : The Allegory Of The Cave981 Words  | 4 Pagesdo see the truth. The â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†is a letter that was written on April 16, 1963 by Martin Luther King Jr. defending nonviolent resistance to racism. The letter was a response to critical remarks made by the clergymen. The clergymen believed that social injustices existed but argued that the battle against racial segregation should be fought in the courts rather than the streets. King fought back in his letter arguing with his main ideas being based on political, legal, and historical
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Contributions of Edgar Allen Poe - 1613 Words
Poe was an American poet who contributed many great pieces of literature to our society. His works illustrate and portray a realm of both paranormal and morbid beauty. In each poem usually lies a demonic undertone, that frequently summed up to a type of conclusion that can in one way or another pertain to h is life’s reminiscences. A common choice of topic for Poe was his love for his wife Virginia, who tragically died of tuberculosis. His poems that revolve around her, more often then not, contain a tone of sadness, loneliness, and despair. In both The Raven and Annabel Lee he makes reference to her as the long lost Lenore. Whether it was a way for him to idolize, or recollect on his memories of her he always seemed to do it in a†¦show more content†¦This is quickly confirmed when once again the tapping returns. This is unsettling to the character, and unable to retain his composure of calm and collect, the reader feels a sense of unwinding of his personality as he m akes the pivotal decision to investigate the window. Here the suspense of not knowing what’s to come intrigues and frightens adding to the mystery and suspense. After the character confirms to himself that the tapping at the window is nothing he quickly exposes what the noise is being projected from. And none the less a raven is displayed, and a explanation to the cause of the tapping puts the character and the reader at a sense of ease. But, ironically, the raven is a symbol of death. And once the association of the two is made, once again a mysterious fog seems to cloud the readers mind with uncertainty of why the raven was chosen to be placed outside the poor fellow’s window. Where the educated reader may draw the relevancy, the character is oblivious to the matter, seems to take it in as humor, and the atmosphere of sadness seems to dissipate as he carry’s on and begins to converse with the bird. He idolizes the bird, and gives it a godly decree. He dictates to the reader a clear picture that undoubtedly portrays a bird, black as night and as haunting as death itself. And adding to the demonic nature of the bird the character goes on andShow MoreRelatedRunning Head: Edgar Allen Poe 1. Edgar Allen Poe2. . .1286 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: EDGAR ALLEN POE 1 EDGAR ALLEN POE 2 Edgar Allen Poe Name Course Professor’s name Institution Date Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is well recognized as the author of numerous great stories of suspense and horror. He also needs to be remembered as the single author who did help in establishing and developing the real contribution of the America to the actual literature of the world, the short-story form (Bagert, 2008). Poe was the initial writer who recognizedRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe And Ralph Waldo Emerson1090 Words  | 5 Pagesunique textual language. Despite these obstacles, American authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Ralph Waldo Emerson assisted in the emergence of American Literature and the development of the â€Å"American Voice.†Edgar Allen Poe has played a crucial role in the development of the â€Å"American Voice.†Although his work uses the same language as English writers, it is also very different. Edgar Allen Poe was born in 1809 and died in 1849. He was a writer, poet, critic, and an editorRead More Edgar Allen Poe1501 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe was a great writer and made many contributions to the works of literature. He is known as the father of the American short story and also the father of the detective story. To understand Poe’s literary contributions, his early life, literacy life, and works must be examined. Each aspect of his life revolves around the other. Edgar Allen Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. He was born to a Southern family who belonged in a traveling companyRead MoreThe Life of Edgar Allan Poe1279 Words  | 6 PagesA Dream Within a Dream: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe As short fiction has become a more accepted genre in literary circles, Edgar Allan Poe’s stories become more popular. He’s story passed on and on, and he now consider to be the father of the short story by many. His stories were strong and powerful, one called them mystery. Not only his story, but also his life. Edgar Allan Poe was a famous detective story, science fiction, horror fiction, symbolism story and aestheticismRead More Edgar Allan Poe Essay1589 Words  | 7 Pages Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allen Poe’s contributions to American literature have become increasingly more prominent as the years have passed. As short fiction has become a more accepted genre in literary circles, Poe’s theories are studied with more passion. Although he lived a rather melancholy life, Poe did experience moments of joy, and desired to capture the beauty through poetic form. Indeed, what he left behind for the literary world was his gifted genus, revealed throughRead MoreAnalysis Of Allen Poe s The Raven 1212 Words  | 5 PagesEdger Allen Poe was an inspiring poet that was known for creating many American feel with mystery, horror, and dark writing. One of his top pieces of writing would be known as a man vs. self-situation called â€Å"The Raven.†The Raven have gained many positive reviews, throughout my research that some called it to be the most perfect poet to ever be established from American writing. Throughout this research paper it will gi ve key concepts on why did Edgar wrote this story, how does it reflect on myRead MorePoe vs. Shakespeare Essay1556 Words  | 7 PagesThe Comparison of Edgar Allan Poe and William Shakespeare Brandi Greene University Composition and Communication I/COM155 May 9th, 2013 University of Phoenix The Comparison of Edgar Allan Poe and William Shakespeare Many have been inspired by the likes of Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespeare in literature but, there are similarities and differences between the two. Each author could lure their audiences by the characteristics of their writing. Their places in society alsoRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s Writing874 Words  | 4 Pagesalready set to fail. But while I was attending Whatley elementary during the month of October as a 2nd grader my teacher decided to bend the rules for the first time and she introduce me and my fellow classmates to an author known as Edgar Allan Poe. Now Edgar Allan Poe, a complicated individual, was not an author you would present to a class of 2nd graders because most of his work is for a more mature audience. The book that she read to us was called â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†and it was about a man whoRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe’s Contribution to World Culture 1035 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allan Poes contributions to American literature have be come increasingly more prominent as the years have passed. As short fiction has become a more accepted genre in literary circles, Poes theories are studied with more passion. Although he lived a rather melancholy existence, Poe did experience moments of joy, and desired to capture beauty through poetical form. He is also credited as the inventor of the mystery-fiction novel with short stories such as, â€Å"The Raven†and â€Å"Annabel Lee†. IndeedRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Writing Style1071 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allen Poe’s writing style was not well received during his life time, however his writing gained recognition as time passed turning him into a famous figure in the world of literature. Born in 1809, Poe died at the young age of 40 in 1849. Poe was one of the first writers to use short stories as a serious literary style. Most readers are unaware of the vast symbolism in Poe’s writing, but do enjoy the tonality and imagery he creates. Atten tion to detail and imagination allowed Edgar Allan Poe
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Roman Architecture Essay - 2647 Words
Roman Architecture Many centuries before the birth of Christ, the city of Rome grew, prospered, and developed into a thriving Republic. As in most cultures, Romes buildings became more elaborate and impressive. They developed fantastic building technologies and ideas. The feats of Roman engineers were groundbreaking, and many structures built by this culture still stand today. With knowledge borrowed from the Greeks, Rome made impressive architectural achievements, these were namely major attributes of buildings, colossal structures, and a legacy that would influence later buildings (Cornell and Matthews 11). According to legend, the city of Rome was founded in about 753 BC, by a group of shepherds. It sat at an ideal†¦show more content†¦The ancient Romans created and borrowed fundamental types of concepts that made up buildings. The ideas that the Romans borrowed were basic ideas such as the column. A column is a vertical shaped pillar with the chief design concern of supporting a building. Most columns consist of three parts, the base, the shaft, and the capital. The shaft is usually cylindrical in shape. The Greeks had three basic types of columns, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. All three types have narrow fillets on them. These were small vertical slits that ran the length of the column. The Romans modified the column and added two types, Truscan and Composile. The columns became widely used in homes and temples in Greece and later in Rome (Architecture). The Romans also borrowed from the Greeks other major structural designs. On the top of a column on most temples and public buildings rested an Entablature. This is a classic triangular shaped faà §ade, or front of a building. The Entablature consists of four parts. The lowest part is the Architrave, which sits on top of the capital or upper part of a column. On top of that, the frieze was typically decorated with horizontal bands. The Cornice forms the upper part of the Entablature and extols beyond the frieze on the sides. On the very top sits a Pediment, a triangular segment between the lower Entablature and the roof (Architecture). The Romans borrowed theShow MoreRelatedRoman Architecture1056 Words  | 5 PagesThe White House, The Capitol Building, The Lincoln Memorial, all these things have been affected by ancient Roman architecture. This ancient Roman architecture came to be around the time period of the Pax Romana in the Roman Empire. It was a time of great wealth and prosperity for the empire which brought it into a time of a sort of golden age for architecture. This type of architecture was influenced by the ancient Greeks, but it took their ideas and transformed them to better advantage their ownRead MoreRoman Architecture : Architecture And Structure1753 Words  | 8 Pages2010 Jun 09 Roman Architecture and Structure Roman architecture followed the heritage of earlier Greek architects. The Romans had respect for the Greek s architectural traditions, order, and design. The Romans were innovators that had the adaptability to use and improve existing techniques as well as new and existing material to create some of the most famous architectural structures like the temple, triumphal arch, and amphitheater. As time advanced so did the society needs of the Romans and withRead MoreRoman Architecture Essay1439 Words  | 6 PagesWhen one thinks of Roman architecture, many things come to mind, such as arches, columns, statues, and richly covered surfaces in marbles. One must stop to think that this empire, which gained power and influence in the first century BC, must have been influenced from the thousands of years of cultures preceding them in order to create their masterpieces of ingenuity. This phenomenon can be seen in our borrowing of ideas of ancient Greece and Rome for the construction of our capitol buildings inRead MoreRoman Architecture And Its Impact On Society1550 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Roman architecture is a thing of the past; however, it still has a large impact upon society today. Roman buildings are what our buildings were derived from, a lot of the art we think of when we see a building was once thought of by the romans, was once built by the romans, and some of these buildings are still standing today, not many, but a few. Now, roman architecture is significant because of how it affected the growth of our architecture, how it evolved changed how weRead MoreRoman Architecture And The Renaissance1277 Words  | 6 PagesRoman Architecture and the Renaissance In the renaissance days, the designers reject the many-sided quality and vertical of the Gothic style for the straightforwardness and balanced degrees of class. Balanced bends, vaults, and the built up solicitations were revived. This reclamation was refined through direct view of Roman leftovers. The renaissance structural planning is the construction modeling of the time frame between the mid fifteenth and mid seventeenth hundreds of years in distinctiveRead MoreGreek to Roman Architecture544 Words  | 2 PagesGreek and which is Roman, However, show them pictures of the Forum of Trajan, the Pantheon, or the Agora, and they will be flipping coins trying to guess which is Roman architecture and which is Greek architecture. It is one thing being able to identify which building belongs to which civilization, it another being able to distinguish the subtle style changes within each mega structure. Very similar to a textbook and essay, Greek architecture is like a textbook, and the Romans used the textbook toRead MoreThe Roman Architecture And Engineering1798 Words  | 8 Pagestribes, the Roman Empire was done for, and had no chance of coming back to greatness; so why is it still looked upon as an amazing feat of ruling? A legacy is a reminder of something, like an empire, that was once great and inspired many things today, the way Roman architecture and engineering has. If we didn t have any of these great Roman architectural feats, then many people today wouldn t have a roof over their heads, and it would take much longer to get from place to place. The Roman legaciesRead MoreThe Influence of the Greeks and Romans on Architecture894 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction â€Å"Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.†(Gehry, 2012). What Frank Gehry was trying to say in simple terms was our culture cannot do without proper appreciation of its classical roots and it goes without saying that the Romans and Greeks have influenced art and architecture with its classical style in a number of different ways. Allow me to give a definition for the word classical. â€Å"Classical†refers to any art or architecture modelled after ancientRead MoreThe Influence of Roman Engineering and Architecture1573 Words  | 7 PagesThe ingeniousness and beauty of Roman architecture has not been lost on us in the 2000 years since it was built. Even today, we still marvel at what incredible builders the Romans were, and at the sheer scale and integrity of many of their projects. It is hard to argue that today’s architecture will maintain the same lasting grandeur as that which the Romans built. If we can still re spect and admire the grandeur of Rome as it was in it’s day, one can only imagine how much of an influence peopleRead MoreRoman Architecture : The Temple Of Apollo1211 Words  | 5 Pagesmuch of their culture, and as a result many aspects of their architecture. Because the Roman style of architecture had developed over many years, once they adopted their ways of building, they rarely changed it. A case in which the Romans used some Etruscan elements in their building is the Capitoline Temple in Rome. However, a very important exception of this is how they adopted greek elements that they liked into their style. Once the Romans came in contact with the Greeks, they used some of their
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Final research HND Business free essay sample
By The Name Allah the Most Merciful and Almighty Executive Summary Of Research on Basant or Spring Festival Event for the research was decided as â€Å"Basant or Spring Festival Lahore†. Basant was started 1300-1400 hundred century. But in near past the event was become controversial. Some religious activist called it Hinduism while some people in taking lead in kite-flying start taking lives of people and this activity was banned. Its was business event too and contributing national income. Was a beneficial for hotel and food industry etc. Our research was too found out the reasons for banning it. The beneficiaries of the festival and out put from the event and Myths regarding the events as well as give some recommendation. For the purpose a detailed proposal were made and presented to supervisor after approval of the proposal. Work was started on research. Literature was reviewed for facts finding. A questionnaire were made and distributed in 500 people and collected, interviews were conducted from different stake holders and other techniques of data collection were applied. Data were organized and presented in percentage and graphically. Analysis was made. The research findings were that basant or spring festival is better business activity accepted people of the country and encouraged by the business community. Basant has nothing with religion. It is celebrated with seasonal change. Some religious groups are against it because of the immoral un-ethical musical and dance shows during the festival. Some people use alcohol in public places and commit crime these should be stopped. Kite-flying with harmful wires should be banned as it takes lives as well as damages electricity lines etc. The events mainly benefits hotel, food, garments, transport, music, traitor industry and overall positively affect the market of Lahore. Government can provide better law order situation too public and Lahore is feasible in security prospective for spring festival. Literature Review Of Basant or Spring Festival Basant is centuries old cultural festival of Punjab. It was started in 1300-1400 century. But in near past got controversial as the some religious groups called it sign of Hinduism and show zero tolerance over it. According to Dr. B. S. Nijjars book, Punjab under the Later Mughals. According to him, when Zakariya Khan (1707-1759) was the governor of Punjab, a Hindu of Sialkot, by the name of Hakeekat Rai Bakhmal Puri spoke words of disrespect for the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his daughter Fatima (ra). He was arrested and sent to Lahore to await trial. The non-Muslim population was stirred to request Zakariya Khan to lift the death sentence given to Hakeekat Rai but he did not accede to their request. Eventually the death penalty was carried out and the entire non-Muslim population went into mourning. As a tribute to his memory, a prosperous Hindu, Kalu Ram initiated the Basant mela in (Marrhi) Kot Khwaja Saeed (Khoje Shahi) in Lahore. (This place is now known as Baway di marrhi. ) It is the last stop on the route of Wagon no. 60 from Bhati Gate. Dr. B. S. Nijjar states on Page no. 279 of his book that the Basant mela is celebrated in memory of Hakeekat Rai. Another myth about Basant is â€Å"It is said that Nizamuddin Auliya had no children. He had adopted his nephew who died at the age of 20. Amir Khusro tried to cheer the bereaved Nizamuddin, but in vain. One day while Amir Khusro was walking in the fields, he saw some young women dressed in yellow clothes and celebrating Basant. Khusro donned a yellow ghagra ad covered himself with a chunni and sang the qawwali  Sakal basant aayo ri. Seeing he dressed in yellow clothes, Nizamuddin became cheerful. †But majority of the society consider all the as myth and has opinion that It is a seasonal festival of indo-Pak and has no religious aspects. It is celebrated at spring on starting of winter on fourth or fifth day of lunar month (Magh). Yellow is mainly used for basant as its is narrated for wheat row and mustard blossoms in the seasons. Yellow color is considered as the color of Spring. Yellow outfits are worn in these days mostly. In pre-partition India Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs all celebrated Basant. Basant festivals held in all major cities of Punjab. Yellow clothes were worn; men wore yellow turbans and women yellow dupattas and saris. It was common to sway swings among Hindu, Muslim and Sikh women together and Basant’s traditional songs were sung that reflected the liveliness and romance of life in Punjab. Kite flying was common but on a small scale with decency. Kite flying is also part of the festival. Most of kite flyers are illiterate and labor class. They mostly use unethical ways for winning kites competition which leads to deaths of valuable lives. This factor decrease the color of this great festival from last 50 Years and the slogan is shouting Celebrate Basant- but don’t snatch away lives. Gallup Pakistan Survey: Basant as Business activity Basant is high appreciated business activity as people from the whole country rush towards Lahore and hotel industry , food industry , music and other tourism industry boost up with the festival. It is highly encouraged by business community of Lahore. According to a survey 11% of the whole year business is three days of basant in Hotel and Food industry. Same effects brought on other industries. Research Back Ground In our country every business activity is banned due to some accident or religious pressure groups same controversy is with spring or Basant festival. I want to find out the financial benefits from this type of festival and the aim of pressure groups. As part of the academic requirement, in the Higher National Diploma program in IPS, Peshawar; for completing diploma of Business Studies the students are required to write a eport for each one of their core units, this one being Research Project. This subject gives us an opportunity to learn how we can write a detailed research report in a given word limit on a business organization. Our choice of Topic will be Basant Festival or Spring Festival Lahore. In the research we will address the questions 1. Effects of Spring Festival on Business Community of Lahore. 2. Finding financial beneficiary of Spring Festival Lahore. 3. Finding good and bad of Basant or Spring Festival. 4. Are Basant Festival suits our Law and Order situation? 5. Why our Religious activists are against the Festival? 6. How much basant Festival contributing to which industry and National Income. Data Collection Primary Data: For the purpose of collection of primary Data, Spring Festival was observed. Interviews were arranged with different community members and life class as well as with Business community of Lahore. Hotel Managers, Restaurant owners, Visitors were also interviewed. For the same purpose a Questionnaire were also made and distributed in different groups of community as well as to religious groups. Collect back and analyzed. Secondary Data: Secondary data collection were made trough news paper , magazine and mainly from internet sources , where we found that government banned kite flying not the Festival while Religious groups pretending it as Hinduism but Business community appreciate it. Research Methodology We have used different methodologies for our report taught in the course book. During This report, we used both the primary as well as the secondary data. Major sources are primary data and some of it is secondary date sources. Most of information will be through personal observations and interviews. Other information was gathered through mystery shopping during the visit to the different Areas of Lahore During Spring Festival. Additional will be through questionnaires and surveys, brochures studies, telephonic interviews, newspaper, magazines and Internet sites search.. The major aim of this report was to study the about Festival as Business activity. Research techniques and Results Observation: A visit were made to Lahore during Basant Festival and observed the event 3 days. It was noticed that people of the country and business community Lahore really encourage the festival. But some citizen has the view that kite-flying should be minus from the festival as it take many lives every year and damage government property as people use harmful wires for kite-flying. Some religious groups are against it and want to ban dance parties and music shows in the festival. But large number of people supports it. Interviews: Interviews from different from different groups of community were made including government officials. Hotel Industry stakeholders, Food Industry Stake Holders, visitors and Religious groups. Interview questions were mainly same as questionnaire and including some general discussion. 50 people were taken interview including students, business man, government officials, religious activists and other community members. The questions result of the interview was as below. Results and Graphical Representation of Interviews: Q. 1: Are You in the favor of Basant or Spring Festival in Pakistan? Result: YES was the answer of 80% people and NO was the answer of 20% people. Graphical Representation: Q. 2: Basant Festival has any relation with religion? Result: Yes was the answer of 20% people and No was the answer of 70% while 10% people said that they don’t know about the Issue. Graphical Representation: Q. 3: Basant Festival Effects on Business Community of Lahore. Result: NAGATIVE was the answer of 8% while POSITIVE was the answer of 92%. Graphical Representation: Q. 4: Is Basant Festival suits our Law and Order situation in Lahore? Result: YES was the answer of 60% people and NO was the answer of 30% while 10% people said that they don’t know. Graphical Representation: Q. 5: Basant Festival Favor National Income? Result: 87% People answered as YES and 11% as NO while 2% has no comments. Graphical Representation:. Positives of Basant are more heavy than negative? Result: YES was the Answer of 78% People while NO was the answer 22% People during interviews. Graphical Representation: Q. 7: Kite Flying Should is banned? Result: YES was the answer of 67% People while NO was the answer of 20% and 13% People has no comments on the question. Graphical Representation: Q. 8: Basant Festival Should is kept Banned? Result: YES was the answer of 20% while 80% was NO. Graphical Representation: Questionnaire: Questionnaire was used to for distance stake holders. They people who were not easily reachable. Result of Question Number 7: YES: 66% NO: 34% Graphical Representation: Result of Question Number 8: YES : 20% NO : 80% Graphical Representation: Internet Search: Internet Search was used as Secondary data findings. We found some writings on Basant and Spring Festival and analyzed accordingly. These writings has two stories about basant one supporting the festival as cultural festival and No relation with Hinduism while the other showing it has extreme hindu festival and against the religious values of Muslims. While most of writings shows it a healthy financial activity with some bad strings attached with it as it make many damages to human lives , electricity lines etc in regard of kite-flying and moral ethical values in Music and Dance parties. Findings Basant or Spring Festival is acceptable to majority with some changes. Law and Order situation is better in Lahore for Festival. Kite-Flying Should is kept banned. Religious groups are extreme against it and called it Hinduism. Government is ready to allow it in business aspect. Moral Ethical Values should follow. Hotel and Food industry mainly is the beneficiary of the festival. Youngsters are the main supporters of the festival. Most of supporters are Muslim. It is given out put financial growth of the country. It’s an organized festival after Eid. Analysis After that data was organized and analyzed with different techniques of Data Analysis. Mainly the pie chart and Bar Chart method were used for Data Analysis. And result was produced for implementation. All the data formats and findings Shows that all stakeholders are in the favor of Basant or spring festival in Lahore as healthy business activity with some changes is the format of Festival. Mainly Hotel and food industry is beneficiary of the festival while Music, film and traitor industry also earning good from this festival. Garments and Fashion is industry is the indirect beneficiary of the event. Transporters, SME’s and general labor and working also get good benefits from the festival. Conclusion Recommendations Basant or Spring Festival is healthy Business activity. Government should allow the Basant or Spring Festival as per demand of Business community and higher percentage of public. Kite-Flying should ban or allowed outside of walled city. Better security should be provided. Religious groups should convince and their guanine demands should be fulfilled. Harmful wire should completely ban from manufacturing. Un-ethical and Immoral acts should be discouraged. People from other parts of the country should be properly entertained to encourage the business. Proper promotion and Public Awareness campaign should be initiated to guide the people from stopping bad of Basant. Spring Festival and other Festival should be celebrated as it warm up different businesses.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Twentieth Century World
Table of Contents Introduction Nature Verses Technology Global Integration and Its Changing Patterns The Evolution of the Mass Society Identity and Difference Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Many people endeavored to comprehend the revolutionary implications of globalization as it continues to evolve in an ordinary arena of political expression across the globe. Impacts of globalization yielded significant results. The world was made up of global interrelatedness that kept on evolving continuously since the First World War.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Twentieth Century World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This was because the subject was organized by comprehensible and intelligible principles. The prime principle was featured by interconnected holistic phenomenon. The conscientious citizenship needed to perceive the global interrelationship whereby the world was marked with inclusive mode l of integration; the world explored several events and issues based in global linkages. This paper examined four themes of global evolution as indicated in Mahfouz Naguib’s book Midaq Alley. First, since 1914, the world was featured by global integration and its changing patterns that led to: immense colonies and powers, the three worlds of Cold War eras, and the current interdependent and networked of â€Å"global disorder†. Secondly, the world was marked by differences and identities that showed how various endeavors of people, groups and communities affirmed their identities; a struggle that happened in the entire history. As a matter of fact, Naguib pose the question â€Å"Did you know that making a person appear crippled is a thousand times more difficult than really crippling him†(Naguib 127). Indeed, across the novel, differences and identities are reflected into manifold layers of debatable politics concerning religion, gender, nationalism, class, ethn icity, and personal interests. In fact, â€Å"the recitation of the Qur’an, and forgiveness is honorable punishment for violating the Qur’an is harsh, you know†(146). Thirdly, the world was manifested with emergence of mass society not only in terms of social interaction: mass culture, mass welfare, mass consumerism, and mass communication, but also in numerical sense of unique population increase. Alone, a man becomes vulnerable. Indeed, the author poses, â€Å"What do I see; you are indeed a venerable man?†(126). The world was marked with nature verses technology that was uncertain achievement which empowered human beings to ruin the world or to make life unbearable. Thus, in such a society, â€Å"no sensible person would persist in trying her luck if it looked bad†(19). Nature Verses Technology Technological advancement caused environmental destruction through human overpopulation and deforestation. Mafouz asserts, â€Å"had I not simply let the devil amuse himself with my neighbors while I remained lost in my own complacent joy? Cannot a good man unknowingly be an accomplice of the devil by keeping to himself?†(279). During post colonialism, there was determination to promote agro-technology in order to preserve environment.Advertising Looking for critical writing on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Farmers were advised to use diverse contemporary crops in the same farm. â€Å"Let’s remember today, the day when we got acquainted, as a day of great good fortune,†(50). It further poses the question â€Å"Are only the rich worthy of one’s choice†(138). Furthermore, Science transformed agriculture; however, ordinary insight and knowledge was able to sustain productivity. Industrial revolution in Europe, though transformed human livelihood, caused detrimental effects on ecological system. For instance, the era of the First World War was a detrimental time because it was a moment of invention of nuclear weapons. The growth of technology and science transformed global networking and human society. However, it is vital to note that â€Å"shrouds are the veils of after-life. Enjoy your shroud before the shroud enjoys you†(20). In addition, multicultural Corporations were exploiting developing nations, and minimized wage rates while exploiting natural resources in those nations. Global Integration and Its Changing Patterns Mahfouz claimed that people were able to choose contest matches they wished to view without being restricted to view sports such as gymnastics, swimming, track and field, diving, etc that dominated prime time coverage of media television. Due to global interrelatedness, sports opened the world and provided important features of globalization. However, global integration happened gradually for many centuries. The press media informed and exposed people about important events. The evolving technology enabled provision of internet accessibility. According Mahfouz, human evolving pattern involved various regional systems which promoted interaction and competition. For instance, Ottoman Empire expanded its kingdom over Hungary and Balkans between 1300 and 1922. Many States engaged in interaction was linked by social and economic needs. Mahfouz viewed that China was the supreme economic power that exported vast amount of porcelain, tea, silk etc. The economic progress of China and India were huge due to the fact that their demographic population was enormous. Transoceanic expansion gradually developed due to technological advancement. European routes were made into America during the search of economic power hence sea routes and networks were established. China was a dominant nation that held forty percent of the world’s economy. Nevertheless, this led to self indulgence as reflected in the life of Kamil. In fact, the author states that â€Å"his head to pping all this is small, bald and no different in color from his pale yet florid skin†¦.People are always telling him he will die suddenly because of the masses of fat pressing round his heart.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Twentieth Century World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But how will death harm him when his life is merely a prolonged sleep†(12). In addition, persisted competition led to colonial empires to expand their systems. Industrial evolution caused ecological imperialism whereby raw materials, plants and animals were transported from one region to another as people exploited natural resources. African slaves were captured during the transoceanic migration after1800. Indeed, many African slaves participated in plantations of agricultural fields. Mahfouz asserted that there were a lot of economic affairs that took place; for example, exotic plants and animals were introduce d while indigenous animals and plants were exported from America. Besides that, factors that led to quick European expansion in United States did not, however, occurred in Asia and Africa. For instance, Europeans were marred by infectious diseases in Africa that hindered their progress in exploiting African resources. Though, Europeans managed to reap resources from Africa, many died due to environmental hazards. The Evolution of the Mass Society Human population who lived in the twentieth century caused increase in mass community that was contributed by people’s interaction and movements for economic sustainability. All these implications were closely integrated that led to the rise of mass community. Though, human population developed slowly prior to 1750; afterwards human demography progressed rapidly. Mahfouz viewed that the rise in mass community happened due to increase in democratization, urbanization and industrialization. This immense transformation was an essential focus in the current society. Politics, youth culture, media, leisure and welfare were five distinctive features that were manifested in the modern society. Actually, mass society weakened traditional societal values; industrial revolution weakened aristocratic and traditional values. Mass culture was a society that had social, large scale and impersonal institutions. Identity and Difference Gradually human communities became varied with great differences in beliefs, artifacts and languages. For instance, Mr. Kirsha who owned the coffee shop is described as a homosexual and indulges in hashish. â€Å"Mr. Kirsha had always lived a most irregular life and he had rolled in its dirt so long that it appeared to him a perfectly normal one†(55). Archeological evidence showed varied tools used by ancient people and their cultural values were greatly varied.Advertising Looking for critical writing on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Human cultures were comprehended based on symbols of various devices that people created. Mahfouz affirmed that such cultural icons lacked boundaries but were marked with continues influx that competed and interacted in each other. Kirsha defends his homosexuality by retorting to Radwan that, â€Å"don’t you know who that boy is? He is a poor boy whose poverty I am trying to alleviate by being charitable to him†(106). In fact, religious civilization transformed people who lived in remote areas; human interaction transformed people who were perceived as barbarians and uncivilized. According to Mahfouz, Sheik Darwish, who was affected following changes in the ministry of education, lived in consolation of religion and faith in God! He was in â€Å"a state of peace, contentment and beatitude as he had never known before. Even though he had lost his house, the whole world had become his home. Even though he had lost his salary, gone too was his dependence on money. Though he had lost his family and friends, everyone he met became his family†(23). Societal rulers presided over divine duties to people in the society. Most cities developed thus their operation became complex that was administered by centralized governance. Conclusion The four themes brought ultimate query to prime of all historical world, particularly to the current globalization. Human interaction and competition elevated visions of human society. However, this was threatened by sudden changes in the social systems of the society. This brought questions on how people need to stay together and to attain their needs equitably, without involving in overindulgence, selfishness, myopia. Works Cited Mahfouz, Naguib. Midaq Alley. New York: Ancher Books, 1996. Print. This critical writing on Twentieth Century World was written and submitted by user Emmanuel Hebert to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Profile and Biography of Pauline Cushman
Profile and Biography of Pauline Cushman Pauline Cushman, an actress, is known as a Union spy during the American Civil War. She was born June 10, 1833, and died December 2, 1893. She was also known by her last married name, Pauline Fryer, or her birth name, Harriet Wood. Early Life and Involvement in the War Pauline Cushman, birth name Harriet Wood, was born in New Orleans. Her parents’ names are unknown. Her father, she claimed, was a Spanish merchant who had served in Napoleon Bonaparte’s army. She grew up in Michigan after her father moved the family to Michigan when she was ten. At 18, she moved to New York and became an actress. She toured, and in New Orleans met and in about 1855 married a musician, Charles Dickinson. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Charles Dickinson enlisted in the Union Army as a musician. He became ill and was sent home where he died in 1862 of head injuries. Pauline Cushman returned to the stage, leaving her children (Charles Jr. and Ida) for periods in the care of her in-laws. An actress, Pauline Cushman toured after the Civil War touting her exploits as a spy who had been captured and sentenced, saved three days before her hanging by the invasion of the area by Union troops. Spy in the Civil War Her story is that she became an agent when, appearing in Kentucky, she was offered money to toast Jefferson Davis in a performance. She took the money, toasted the Confederate President, and reported the incident to a Union official, who saw that this act would make it possible for her to spy on Confederate camps. She was publicly fired from the theater company for toasting Davis, and then followed the Confederate troops, reporting back on their movements to Union forces. It was while spying in Shelbyville, Kentucky, that she was caught with documents giving her away as a spy. She was taken to Lt. Gen. Nathaniel Forrest (later head of the ​Ku Klux Klan) who passed her off to General Bragg, who did not believe her cover story. He had her tried as a spy, and she was sentenced to hang. Her stories later claimed that her execution was delayed because of her ill health, but she was miraculously rescued when the Confederate forces retreated as the Union Army moved in. Spying Career Over She was given an honorary commission as a major of cavalry by President Lincoln on the recommendation of two generals, Gordon Granger, and the future president James A. Garfield. She later fought for a pension but based on her husband’s service. Her children had died by 1868. She spent the rest of the war and the years after again as an actress, telling the story of her exploits. P.T. Barnum featured her for a time. She published an account of her life, especially her time as a spy, in 1865: The Life of Pauline Cushman. Most scholars agree that much of the biography is exaggerated. Later in Life An 1872 marriage to August Fichtner in San Francisco ended just a year later when he died. She married again in 1879, to Jere Fryer, in Arizona Territory where they operated a hotel. Pauline Cushman’s adopted daughter Emma died, and the marriage fell apart, with separation in 1890. She eventually returned to San Francisco, impoverished. She worked as a seamstress and chairwoman. She was able to win a small pension based on her first husband’s Union Army service. She died in 1893 of an overdose of opium which may have been intentional suicide because her rheumatism was keeping her from earning a living. She was buried by the Grand Army of the Republic in San Francisco with military honors. Source: Christen, Bill. Pauline Cushman, Spy of the Cumberland. Publication date: 2003.Sarmiento, F.L. Life of Pauline Cushman, the Celebrated Union Spy and Scout: Comprising Her Early History; Her Entry into the Secret Service of the Army of the Cumberland, and Exciting Adventure with the Rebel Chieftains and Others While Within the Enemys Lines; Together with Her Capture and Sentence to Death by General Bragg and Final Rescue by the Union Army under General Rosecrans. 1865.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
CSR and Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
CSR and Corporations - Essay Example â€Å"Even though companies publish huge volumes of literature with respect to their works for the well-being of the society, in practice, many companies define their obligations in a much more limited†(Geoffrey, 2008). This paper analyses the sincerity of corporations in showing their social responsibility for the development of society. Does the evidence to date suggest that CSR is a useful way to enable corporations to make meaningful contributions to social development? Plenty of companies have shown sincerity in demonstrating social responsibility in recent times. For example, Acer is a socially committed organization which has engaged in a conscious effort to make environmentally-friendly products. â€Å"Acer focuses on developing an effective corporate governance mechanism of CSR and sustainability issues, improving efficiency among working groups, initiating stakeholder engagement, and building for better internal and external communications†(CSR within Acer, n . d). It should be noted that the disposal of computers and peripherals is a big problem nowadays. Injudicious disposal of computers and peripherals may cause immense damage to the environment. Acer has strong waste management and recycling mechanisms which help them to collect the e-waste generated by them and recycle it properly. Moreover, CFC cleaners have been completely eliminated from the Acer circuit board production. In short, Acer is not only interested in accumulating profits, but also in protecting the environment. British Petroleum or BP is another company which showed good examples of social responsibility in recent times. They faced stiff challenges because of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill recently. More than 4.9 million barrels ^ of crude oil spilled over the water as a result of Mexico oil spill. It caused huge damages to the marine and wild life near the Gulf of Mexico. BP never tried to wash their hands and stay away from the responsibilities of this
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Passive movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Passive movements - Essay Example To optimise the benefits from the passive movements and passive therapeutic exercises, more experimental evidence needs to be gathered in order to better understand things like specific tissue effects and physiological mechanims of action involved (Frank et al. 1987). A clinical approach utilizing skilled, specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation and mobilization, used by the physical therapist to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain; increasing range of motion (ROM); reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; inducing relaxation; improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitating movement; and improving function (AAOMPT, 1999). Some recent research has demonstrated significantly better outcomes for patients who used manual therapy in conjunction with other forms of therapy, such as exercise and proprioception training, than when manual therapy was used alone (Jull et al. 2002). Within manual therapy, the administration of passive movements is generally denoted by the term "mobilization". The APTA (American Physical Therapy Association), and the AAOMPT (American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy) define mobilization as a manual therapy technique comprised of a continuum of skilled passive movements to joints and/or related soft tissues that are applied at varying speeds and amplitudes, including a small amplitude/high velocity therapeutic movement (Olson, 2004). In this essay, we are specifically concerned with joint mobilization, which differs from soft-tissue mobilization (massage therapy) or manipulation (chiropractic). We shall be discussing the specific physiological pathways underlying the manifest effects of passive movements. We shall begin, though, by better familiarizing ourselves with the nature and scope of passive movements as they are employed in a clinical setting. Neurophysiological Response to Joint Mobilization Physiotherapy aims to bring about musculoskeletal rehabilitation. To this end, PT prominently involves the use of a combination of exercise and manual therapy techniques. Joint mobilization is a manual therapy procedure involving loosening up of the restricted joints and increasing their range of motion by providing slow velocity and increasing amplitude movement directly into the barrier of a joint, moving the actual bone surfaces on each other in ways which individuals with compromised musculoskeletal function cannot move by themselves. By subjecting motion-restricted joints to gentle movement through a particular segment of the full range, joint receptors can be by and by reeducated to allow a range of motion. Such release from stiffness happens with a concomitant relief from pain in most cases. Administation of passive movements to an affected joint can lead to restoration of the optimal length of muscle fibres, besides resulting in the reduction of the pain-spasm cycle (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1991). A joint can primarily move in two ways: a) in physiological movements consisting of extension, flexion,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Lifestyle Causes of Disease
Lifestyle Causes of Disease In this world whether from developed, developing and underdeveloped countries, there is no doubt that most of the people is experiencing illness and diseases. The major leading causes of illnesses are their lifestyle and standard of living. Some people argue that individuals should be responsible for their health while others argue that the government are the one who is accountable for health. In this paragraph, it tackles the insights on who need to be a liable for health, may it be social, personal and environment. Moreover, it gives the impact of the said issue on international and national policy. Also, it will discuss the justification of each solutions or intervention to address the balance responsibility for healthcare between society and family. The leading factors for the lifestyle diseases are as follows: first is high blood pressure. It is also known as hypertension. It does increase the risk for heart attack or stroke to most have this case. When a person has hypertension, usually it has no signs. That is why people should have a regular check-up of their blood pressure. The only way to know if a person is experiencing a high blood pressure is having it always high for a very long time like for three months. The causes for this illness are unknown but there is a study that it runs in the families or known as hereditary. Occasionally, glandular and kidney diseases are responsible for this. Second is tobacco use. It is considered to be common throughout the globe. It contains a raw material which has an addictive ingredient like nicotine. It is one of the most leading factor for lots of chronic diseases such as cancer, lung related diseases and cardiovascular too. As to this a number of countries are now restricting tobacc o use, regulating people who can only buy and where can they smoke. Third is unsafe sex. It is also known as unprotected sex where describe as having sex without condom. As a result of this, HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) can occur. Globally, the number of people getting infected with this is increasing every year. That is why using condom is important and it is effective way for preventing STI, AIDS and HIV which can be passed on during sex. Fourth is alcohol use. In order for people to socialise with others, drinking with them is way to know them. However, drinking regularly in high amount can cause lots of health conditions. These alcohol related problems are liver disease, cancer, malnutrition, impotence, infertility, nerve damage, stroke, addiction and worst is death. Fifth is obesity. Obese is defined as accumulation of too much fat inside the body and it has a negative effect on one persons health. If the person BMI is more than to its normal by 30%, it is cons idered to be obese. As to this, high number of health risk can be identified like osteoarthritis or bone degeneration, coronary heart disease, gall bladder disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, sleep apnoea, stroke and diabetes. Last is cancer. It is the abnormal cell growth inside the body. There are 100 types of different cancer. It harms the body wherein the damaged cells are dividing uncontrollably which forms masses and lumps except for leukaemia. These masses interferes system in our body like the circulatory, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory system. Some of the tumours are benign but some of them turn out to be malignant, which is more dangerous to one person’s health. Consequently, countries are spending a lot of money on healthcare costs and expenditure. Since the lifestyle of a person is interrelated with the diseases, there is a question of should an individual be held responsible for their health related choices? So it is been concluded that there is a relationship between the lifestyle of a person to the diseases they are suffering and also the expenditure in the healthcare. Through this, in medical and economic point of view, individuals are morally responsible for their health related choices. However, lots of people are objecting with this idea. People are objecting with several reasons. First, there will be a conflict between individuals who are entirely responsible for their health and also the responsibility of medicine to treat people. Also, there will be a conflict between the society’s obligations to look after the vulnerable people. Second, it is not fair for individuals to be responsible for their health if they themselves cannot make a good health related choices due to addictive behaviour, ignorance, mental incapability and also peer pressure. Third, it will be extremely difficult for people to implement a system that they are totally responsible for their health to think that some people acquire disease through environmental and hereditary factors. Although, it is vital for individuals to be responsible for their health, they should not be obliged to be entirely responsible for it as it is unreachable and impossible to be done. Furthermore, the government and other healthcare providers should also be there to help the society to give full awareness of health and diseases and on how to maintain health and prevent certain illnesses. There are several ways and method on how the government, public and private healthcare sectors on how to promote health and prevent diseases. Fist is through sanitation, which defines as the safe disposal of human waste may it be urine and faeces. Also, it is known as the maintenance of proper hygiene such as rubbish collection and water waste disposal. Second is pollution control which encompasses the air, water and land. However there is an argument on how control should be done and how much control that is needed. The pollution control or the â€Å"command and control†mechanism increases the expenditure in this strategy thus making it slow to achieve a cleaner environment. Third is food and drug safety, wherein to promote and protect health FDA or the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for this. Fourth is the health education. This is also important as it increases the awareness of the public with regards of health and safety. Fifth is disease surveillance wherein the spread of a certain disease is being monitored, observed, examined and supervise to know the patterns of its progression. Also, it observes, predicts and minimizes the harm that it may cause to the public. Sixth is urban planning which ensures the development of the communities such as in transportation, infrastructures and distribution networks. It needs thorough research, planning, analysis, management, implementation and recommendation from the government. Last one is occupational health and safety which targets the safety, health and welfare of the employees or people in the workplaces. Since there are several different methods on how the society can address the health, unfortunately resources are undoubtedly limited. As a result, there is a question of where should the society needs to invest first? Also, which sectors need the most financial aids? As the promotion of healthcare for the society is very important role of the government, they should consider the prioritization method which needs a greater emphasis on delivering healthcare. There are several sectors that need to prioritize first and less emphasize on access to healthcare. First is the prevention campaign. This includes the health education in public, pollution control, pesticide or chemical regulation, food and drug safety, disease surveillance and occupational health. There is a saying that â€Å"prevention is better than cure†. So it is believe that the government should invest the money on the said different prevention of the disease than treatment. Also, everyone can be benefitted from these services like clean water and air, safe food, sanitation, urban planning, control of pest and pesticides and disaster preparedness. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of these services is very important in consideration in healthcare and social policy. Moreover, there are also some drawbacks on having these strategies. First is that, one of its problems with having social responsibility for health, there is a tendency that it may encourage individuals to take less responsibility of their health. People might go dependent on those services. On the other hand, some healthcare services or health promotion can empower the individuals to look after their own health. For example, sex education, which gives every individual a knowledge on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Urban planning can also give them healthy choices with regards to workplace, transportation and recreation. In conclusion, every individual and society itself has its own responsibility to take into account in which they live in. People should know how to look after their health and should also pay for their healthcare costs. People should not be also dependent on the amenities that the public services are offering. While the government and other healthcare services should not stop helping the community in health promotion and prevention for the welfare and development of the society. As to the national and international policy, these strategies are considered to be a big help as it is cost effective and easy to implement than building healthcare infrastructures which are costly and expensive.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Free Affirmative Action Essays - Quotas are Outdated :: affirmative action argumentative persuasive
Affirmative Action Quotas are Outdated Affirmative action legislation has helped in the fight for equality for minorities and women in the American society; however, time has come for new legislation to replace or abolish affirmative action as we know it. In affirmative action's beginning, the government needed laws to help aid the blending of minorities and women in American economics and culture. In a world economy that grows more competitive with every passing day, our quota system is a dead weight to the American businesses that are trying to survive. Not only is advancement based on race and gender but also it is costly and time consuming. American's attitude toward minorities and women is "so steep a decline that it almost certainly reflects some change from the blatantly racist and nearly universal hostile white prejudices of the recent past" (Feagin & Feagin, 1978, pp. 6-7). If America's economy is to continue to survive it will most definitely have to hire on merit alone, and not be bothered by trivial laws that are outda ted. The origination of Affirmative Action is from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI and VII. Title VI states "no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or natural origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under programs or activities receiving financial assistance." Title VII states that "[i]t shall be unlawful for an employer to: fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment , because of such individuals race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin"(Civil Rights Act Title VII). These laws can be justified by our constitutional principle that all men are created equal, and should remain a part of our laws and thought process. However, penalizing a business or school because they haven't hired or accepted the number of minorities required by law is injustice. According to Roberts (1995), a Gallup Poll taken in July of 1995 shows that Americans agree that quotas are no longer useful. Our fellow " Americans reject employment quotas by a margin of 63% to 35%," and in the
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Drivers Education Essay
Both SADD and MADD have had various positive impacts to the society supportive implications to the well worth of the society in correspondence to the influence they have to our society. The Original meaning of SADD was â€Å" Students Against Drunk Driving†but have changed to mean â€Å"Students Against Destructive Decisions†. Robert Anastas founded SADD in 1981 in company of other student in the wayland high school in Massachusetts. It started after two hockey players from Wayland high school were killed separately in the July of 1981. These incidences led towards working together of Anastas and his fellow mates. The basic core of SADD was to provide an ultimate contract for human life. It was and is the only student national organization, which deals with impaired driving, violence emanating from drug use, underage drinking, impaired driving and a broad array of activities that affects the lives of teenagers. (http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference. aspx) The original goal of SADD was in helping the young people from drinking through saying â€Å"No†to driving while drunk. However, such former mission has seen an expansion to capture the expanding problems that seems to face the adolescence in the current times. This is what provided for the change in the name from the former meaning to what is held currently. With this mission, students have continued to communicate with the adults within their reach about the role and implication of positively attitude of peer pressure, use of role models as well as a binary of other substantial strategies that can help to say â€Å"No†towards any activity of driving while drunk. This has seen SADD enjoy the sovereignty of being an organization modeled towards peer leadership. The basic ideology behind SADD is to prevent the effect of the idea behind underage drinking as well as drug abuse. It seeks to focus its attention towards modeling potential life that would not be threatened by the consequences of various destructive youth decisions. According to SADD, destructive decision include engaging in the domain of sexual activities that would lead to disease transmission, violence, smoking, failure of using safety belts as well as suicide commission. Consequently, SADD has its basic mission of providing students with the most adequate preventive and intervention protocol that would perhaps encourage any activity of drunk driving, destructive decisions, drug abuse and underage drinking. Across the years since its conception, SADD has even incorporated various activities that help to spread its message to a broad domain of the societal population. They have used ‘pre-prom’ assemblies that have been held in various districts in helping to provide a better scope of awareness to the societal domain about the dangers allied to driving while drunk. Across the years, SADD have invited people towards participating in various conferences that aim at working together in addressing the aspect of driving and drinking. It has in the recent years expanded its horizons to incorporate various virtuous topics that are not related to drinking. This includes eating disorders, teenage pregnancies, driving practices that are not safe and broad-spectrum of social issues affecting the teens. Their focus has been addressing the long and short-term implications of various destructive decisions taken by the youth. Like SADD, MADD has its foundation of addressing various aspects on driving and drinking. MADD stands for â€Å"Mothers Against Drunk Driving†. The foundation of MADD was seen in 1980 by a group of women from California. This was after a driver hit a 13 year-old-girl before running away. The same driver had recently been out of the jail after being convicted of yet another crime of hitting accident. Historically, he had formerly committed other several accidents. However, since the 1980 this organization (MADD) has seen a massive expansion and growth. To formalize its activities, MADD provided an official position of its president who is elected and remains in the office for a specific time period. (http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference. aspx) Currently, MADD is an organization operating at the grass root level and compounds around 600 chapters across the world. However, it does not deliver any campaign against alcoholism as thought by many people. However, it has its mission of stopping drunk driving, preventing underage drinking, and supporting the pertinent victims who commit the crime of drunk driving. It has its focus on looking towards the most appropriate and effective solutions, which can be provided towards problems allied to underage drinking and drunk driving. Elsewhere, it has its motive towards providing support for those already salvaged by these crimes through giving moral support and counseling. (Sarah, 1995, 79) Considerably therefore, both the SADD and the MADD are social organizations that are aimed at improving and promoting the state of living held by young people. At a closer range, SADD is a students organization with its benchmark towards helping students against the subjective influence of peer pressure influence. It has its motive of striking a balance between the proximities of education that is combined with a positive peer pressure influence. Through this motive, SADD mission believes that there will be an autonomous life saving. Like SADD, MADD has its mission statement rooted in the well being of the society through postulating an imaginary that promotes their livelihood. It aims at improving and sustaining the status of their lives by addressing various problems that affect the social life phenomena of the youth. (Gerald, 1991, 92) Generally, both the SADD and MADD have almost the same operational framework in their regions of support. By and large, the two organizations have seen it worth of using social conferences that help to address the broad outlay social problems and crimes that affect the youth. Generally, use of conferences has been a motivating campaign that has seen the process of counseling produce adequate results and benefits. Elsewhere, direct conduct of students with the other members of the society has been an adequate tool towards describing how they operate in the regions. Students and the youth in general elaborates and campaign to the society through oral persuasion to address the impacts and the consequences of different crimes to the other members of the society. Notedly also, a full pledge of campaign has been achieved through posters, signs, signals, artistic works and other stylistic devices. (http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference.aspx) Generally, these organizations can highly be echoed of their response effectiveness towards meeting their goals. Since their primary mission has been to disseminate awareness on how the young people are to provide fruitful benefits. Many youths and students have incorporated the teachings of the organization giving them fruitful benefits towards avoiding the negative impacts of such crimes to their lives and the general society. Notedly, there has been a more conscious awareness across the board by students in knowing the relative impact of driving while drunk. The social imaginary of the youth have also been positively modeled by the lessons learnt from their teachings. Work cited Gerald, D. Waging the Battle against Drunk Driving: Issues, Countermeasures, and Effectiveness. Mahwah, NJ, Praeger, 1991, pp. 92 Sarah, S. U. S. Women’s Interest Groups. Institutional Profiles. Greenwood Press, 1995, pp. 79 This Year SADD Conference. Retrieved on 8th May 2008 from http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference. aspx
Saturday, January 4, 2020
World history The change in Imperialism Essay - 658 Words
World history: The change in Imperialism Social, economic, and political change altered the nature of imperialism in three principal ways. One was the amplified need for natural resources, two was the new understanding of economics, and three was the expanding sense of what it meant to be civilized. All of these events and ideas were lead up to by the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution altered the course of history in numerous ways but the most significant is certainly that of imperialism. The industrialization created a rise in population and thus a rise in demand. This in it of itself did not lead to the need for conquest but it was certainly a contributing factor. The Industrial revolution began to produce goods†¦show more content†¦Now what is civilization, well according to the Europeans it was white, privileged, European men and women. So this new idea plays into slavery. People would go on trips to â€Å"civilize†and enslave the people that they met. They would strip them of original culture and procreate their lands and resources. And coincidentally this worked right be side the Europeans need for resources, because these â€Å"mission trips†weren’t about mission at all they were about conquest and finding new territories and peoples that they could use to their benefit. â€Å"Everyone who knows little about aboriginal races is aware that these races which are low type mentally and who at the same time are weak in constitution rapidly die out when their country becomes occupied by a different race much more rigors and robust pushing themselves.†This idea stated by George Pullwiok was the general idea of most people in this time period. So how did this contribute to the conquering of people? Well this thinking also created the idea of the white means burden. Europeans commonly believed that it was their duty to civilize those who they saw to be inferior, so it was yet again another excuse for them to go and attack, conquer, and colonize countries. The downfall of states that did not industrialize was clearly apart of the change in imperialism because allowed other superior states to gain control and to try and dominate. Countries likeShow MoreRelatedEssay On Ecological Imperialism1618 Words  | 7 PagesEcological Imperialism and the New World Starting from the times that countries started travelling overseas and conquering other lands, they used this newfound power to supply their own greedy desires through ecological imperialism. This process altered this new landscape and homogenized it into the ways Europeans wanted it with the natives taking all or most of the side effects, while all the benefits went to the colonizers. Using various sources from authors such as Crosby, Piper, SandlosRead MoreBrionna Johnson. 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