Monday, May 25, 2020

Racism And Racial Segregation A Color Blind Society

Race in America has been a conscientious objective since the beginning of time. Individuals of different hues perpetuate the racial spoils system which vigorously rejects the Martin Luther King theory of a color blind society. Throughout history, the criterion of which racism has stemmed has evolved vastly, yet it’s probably more of an issue in today’s current events than ever before. Through researched data I was able to create a census for this so called issue with race in America. This research project will be an expository of three valid sources which perceive race in America through differential diagnosis. The dogma of race has logical consequences that are profoundly important. If blacks, for example, are equal to whites in every way, what accounts for differential success levels or other factors? Since any theory of racial differences has been outlawed, America must be racked with a pervasive and horrible understanding of the concept of race since it has a deeper literal meaning than phenotypically. Through this textual evidence I plan to educate the ignorant of the many obstacles faced that go unseen or unheard in the Black community of America. Charles Jarmon is a professor of urban sociology, stratification, and modernization at Howard University. His work entitled E. Franklin Frazier s Sociology of Race and Class in Black America takes an in depth look at the study of race relations which Frazier proclaims is the study of American society itself. ThroughShow MoreRelatedThe Racism Of Black Resentment900 Words   |  4 PagesJim Crow racism? Blacks are no longer second class citizens of the United States after the social movement of civil rights. Wrong, a new ideology has developed which still constitute racism; it is called color blind racism. 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