Saturday, February 22, 2020

CSR and Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

CSR and Corporations - Essay Example â€Å"Even though companies publish huge volumes of literature with respect to their works for the well-being of the society, in practice, many companies define their obligations in a much more limited† (Geoffrey, 2008). This paper analyses the sincerity of corporations in showing their social responsibility for the development of society. Does the evidence to date suggest that CSR is a useful way to enable corporations to make meaningful contributions to social development? Plenty of companies have shown sincerity in demonstrating social responsibility in recent times. For example, Acer is a socially committed organization which has engaged in a conscious effort to make environmentally-friendly products. â€Å"Acer focuses on developing an effective corporate governance mechanism of CSR and sustainability issues, improving efficiency among working groups, initiating stakeholder engagement, and building for better internal and external communications†(CSR within Acer, n . d). It should be noted that the disposal of computers and peripherals is a big problem nowadays. Injudicious disposal of computers and peripherals may cause immense damage to the environment. Acer has strong waste management and recycling mechanisms which help them to collect the e-waste generated by them and recycle it properly. Moreover, CFC cleaners have been completely eliminated from the Acer circuit board production. In short, Acer is not only interested in accumulating profits, but also in protecting the environment. British Petroleum or BP is another company which showed good examples of social responsibility in recent times. They faced stiff challenges because of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill recently. More than 4.9  million barrels ^ of crude oil spilled over the water as a result of Mexico oil spill. It caused huge damages to the marine and wild life near the Gulf of Mexico. BP never tried to wash their hands and stay away from the responsibilities of this

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