Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Article What Do Standardized Tests Really Test

In the article â€Å"What do standardized tests actually test?† (2014) in the name of Marion Brady as quoted by Valerie Strauss, the topic of: are standardized tests accurately testing is discussed. As a whole, Strauss’s article seems to be debating whether the Piagetian or the Vygotskyian approach is the correct way of teaching; do students learn by being taught from a teacher or do they learn from hands on experience and mental readiness!? and how that relates back to whether standardized testing is an accurate representation of that which is being tested. Brady bases his article on a headline in Forbes magazine that was published January 26, 2009, titled: â€Å"Bill Gates: It’s the Teacher, Stupid†. Throughout his article, Brady quotes and address different opinions on how students need to learn such as: the opinion of Bill Gates who believes that one only learns through teaching and a Chinese proverb that claims that one learns (understands) only through involvement. Gates belief seems to be Vygotskyian because through the experience of being taught the students will learn new things and the teaching represents the scaffolding and the exposure that the children need in order to learn something new. On the other hand, the Chinese proverbs seems to be Piagetian because the students learn through getting involved and experiencing new things and Piaget puts an emphasis on using ones senses to learn based on their development. Brady states â€Å"The truth isShow MoreRelatedStandardized Testing Is Taking Up So Much Time1568 Words   |  7 Pagesback† says many parents (Deutermann). School standardized testing is taking up so much time it is taking time away from students learning time in the classroom. Taking the many portions of standardized test is not benefiting the students. The point of standardized tests in schools to get measure of a student’s knowledge. Education plays a big role in the assessments. 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