Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Lifestyle Causes of Disease
Lifestyle Causes of Disease In this world whether from developed, developing and underdeveloped countries, there is no doubt that most of the people is experiencing illness and diseases. The major leading causes of illnesses are their lifestyle and standard of living. Some people argue that individuals should be responsible for their health while others argue that the government are the one who is accountable for health. In this paragraph, it tackles the insights on who need to be a liable for health, may it be social, personal and environment. Moreover, it gives the impact of the said issue on international and national policy. Also, it will discuss the justification of each solutions or intervention to address the balance responsibility for healthcare between society and family. The leading factors for the lifestyle diseases are as follows: first is high blood pressure. It is also known as hypertension. It does increase the risk for heart attack or stroke to most have this case. When a person has hypertension, usually it has no signs. That is why people should have a regular check-up of their blood pressure. The only way to know if a person is experiencing a high blood pressure is having it always high for a very long time like for three months. The causes for this illness are unknown but there is a study that it runs in the families or known as hereditary. Occasionally, glandular and kidney diseases are responsible for this. Second is tobacco use. It is considered to be common throughout the globe. It contains a raw material which has an addictive ingredient like nicotine. It is one of the most leading factor for lots of chronic diseases such as cancer, lung related diseases and cardiovascular too. As to this a number of countries are now restricting tobacc o use, regulating people who can only buy and where can they smoke. Third is unsafe sex. It is also known as unprotected sex where describe as having sex without condom. As a result of this, HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) can occur. Globally, the number of people getting infected with this is increasing every year. That is why using condom is important and it is effective way for preventing STI, AIDS and HIV which can be passed on during sex. Fourth is alcohol use. In order for people to socialise with others, drinking with them is way to know them. However, drinking regularly in high amount can cause lots of health conditions. These alcohol related problems are liver disease, cancer, malnutrition, impotence, infertility, nerve damage, stroke, addiction and worst is death. Fifth is obesity. Obese is defined as accumulation of too much fat inside the body and it has a negative effect on one persons health. If the person BMI is more than to its normal by 30%, it is cons idered to be obese. As to this, high number of health risk can be identified like osteoarthritis or bone degeneration, coronary heart disease, gall bladder disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, sleep apnoea, stroke and diabetes. Last is cancer. It is the abnormal cell growth inside the body. There are 100 types of different cancer. It harms the body wherein the damaged cells are dividing uncontrollably which forms masses and lumps except for leukaemia. These masses interferes system in our body like the circulatory, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory system. Some of the tumours are benign but some of them turn out to be malignant, which is more dangerous to one person’s health. Consequently, countries are spending a lot of money on healthcare costs and expenditure. Since the lifestyle of a person is interrelated with the diseases, there is a question of should an individual be held responsible for their health related choices? So it is been concluded that there is a relationship between the lifestyle of a person to the diseases they are suffering and also the expenditure in the healthcare. Through this, in medical and economic point of view, individuals are morally responsible for their health related choices. However, lots of people are objecting with this idea. People are objecting with several reasons. First, there will be a conflict between individuals who are entirely responsible for their health and also the responsibility of medicine to treat people. Also, there will be a conflict between the society’s obligations to look after the vulnerable people. Second, it is not fair for individuals to be responsible for their health if they themselves cannot make a good health related choices due to addictive behaviour, ignorance, mental incapability and also peer pressure. Third, it will be extremely difficult for people to implement a system that they are totally responsible for their health to think that some people acquire disease through environmental and hereditary factors. Although, it is vital for individuals to be responsible for their health, they should not be obliged to be entirely responsible for it as it is unreachable and impossible to be done. Furthermore, the government and other healthcare providers should also be there to help the society to give full awareness of health and diseases and on how to maintain health and prevent certain illnesses. There are several ways and method on how the government, public and private healthcare sectors on how to promote health and prevent diseases. Fist is through sanitation, which defines as the safe disposal of human waste may it be urine and faeces. Also, it is known as the maintenance of proper hygiene such as rubbish collection and water waste disposal. Second is pollution control which encompasses the air, water and land. However there is an argument on how control should be done and how much control that is needed. The pollution control or the â€Å"command and control†mechanism increases the expenditure in this strategy thus making it slow to achieve a cleaner environment. Third is food and drug safety, wherein to promote and protect health FDA or the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for this. Fourth is the health education. This is also important as it increases the awareness of the public with regards of health and safety. Fifth is disease surveillance wherein the spread of a certain disease is being monitored, observed, examined and supervise to know the patterns of its progression. Also, it observes, predicts and minimizes the harm that it may cause to the public. Sixth is urban planning which ensures the development of the communities such as in transportation, infrastructures and distribution networks. It needs thorough research, planning, analysis, management, implementation and recommendation from the government. Last one is occupational health and safety which targets the safety, health and welfare of the employees or people in the workplaces. Since there are several different methods on how the society can address the health, unfortunately resources are undoubtedly limited. As a result, there is a question of where should the society needs to invest first? Also, which sectors need the most financial aids? As the promotion of healthcare for the society is very important role of the government, they should consider the prioritization method which needs a greater emphasis on delivering healthcare. There are several sectors that need to prioritize first and less emphasize on access to healthcare. First is the prevention campaign. This includes the health education in public, pollution control, pesticide or chemical regulation, food and drug safety, disease surveillance and occupational health. There is a saying that â€Å"prevention is better than cure†. So it is believe that the government should invest the money on the said different prevention of the disease than treatment. Also, everyone can be benefitted from these services like clean water and air, safe food, sanitation, urban planning, control of pest and pesticides and disaster preparedness. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of these services is very important in consideration in healthcare and social policy. Moreover, there are also some drawbacks on having these strategies. First is that, one of its problems with having social responsibility for health, there is a tendency that it may encourage individuals to take less responsibility of their health. People might go dependent on those services. On the other hand, some healthcare services or health promotion can empower the individuals to look after their own health. For example, sex education, which gives every individual a knowledge on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Urban planning can also give them healthy choices with regards to workplace, transportation and recreation. In conclusion, every individual and society itself has its own responsibility to take into account in which they live in. People should know how to look after their health and should also pay for their healthcare costs. People should not be also dependent on the amenities that the public services are offering. While the government and other healthcare services should not stop helping the community in health promotion and prevention for the welfare and development of the society. As to the national and international policy, these strategies are considered to be a big help as it is cost effective and easy to implement than building healthcare infrastructures which are costly and expensive.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Free Affirmative Action Essays - Quotas are Outdated :: affirmative action argumentative persuasive
Affirmative Action Quotas are Outdated Affirmative action legislation has helped in the fight for equality for minorities and women in the American society; however, time has come for new legislation to replace or abolish affirmative action as we know it. In affirmative action's beginning, the government needed laws to help aid the blending of minorities and women in American economics and culture. In a world economy that grows more competitive with every passing day, our quota system is a dead weight to the American businesses that are trying to survive. Not only is advancement based on race and gender but also it is costly and time consuming. American's attitude toward minorities and women is "so steep a decline that it almost certainly reflects some change from the blatantly racist and nearly universal hostile white prejudices of the recent past" (Feagin & Feagin, 1978, pp. 6-7). If America's economy is to continue to survive it will most definitely have to hire on merit alone, and not be bothered by trivial laws that are outda ted. The origination of Affirmative Action is from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI and VII. Title VI states "no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or natural origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under programs or activities receiving financial assistance." Title VII states that "[i]t shall be unlawful for an employer to: fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment , because of such individuals race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin"(Civil Rights Act Title VII). These laws can be justified by our constitutional principle that all men are created equal, and should remain a part of our laws and thought process. However, penalizing a business or school because they haven't hired or accepted the number of minorities required by law is injustice. According to Roberts (1995), a Gallup Poll taken in July of 1995 shows that Americans agree that quotas are no longer useful. Our fellow " Americans reject employment quotas by a margin of 63% to 35%," and in the
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Drivers Education Essay
Both SADD and MADD have had various positive impacts to the society supportive implications to the well worth of the society in correspondence to the influence they have to our society. The Original meaning of SADD was â€Å" Students Against Drunk Driving†but have changed to mean â€Å"Students Against Destructive Decisions†. Robert Anastas founded SADD in 1981 in company of other student in the wayland high school in Massachusetts. It started after two hockey players from Wayland high school were killed separately in the July of 1981. These incidences led towards working together of Anastas and his fellow mates. The basic core of SADD was to provide an ultimate contract for human life. It was and is the only student national organization, which deals with impaired driving, violence emanating from drug use, underage drinking, impaired driving and a broad array of activities that affects the lives of teenagers. (http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference. aspx) The original goal of SADD was in helping the young people from drinking through saying â€Å"No†to driving while drunk. However, such former mission has seen an expansion to capture the expanding problems that seems to face the adolescence in the current times. This is what provided for the change in the name from the former meaning to what is held currently. With this mission, students have continued to communicate with the adults within their reach about the role and implication of positively attitude of peer pressure, use of role models as well as a binary of other substantial strategies that can help to say â€Å"No†towards any activity of driving while drunk. This has seen SADD enjoy the sovereignty of being an organization modeled towards peer leadership. The basic ideology behind SADD is to prevent the effect of the idea behind underage drinking as well as drug abuse. It seeks to focus its attention towards modeling potential life that would not be threatened by the consequences of various destructive youth decisions. According to SADD, destructive decision include engaging in the domain of sexual activities that would lead to disease transmission, violence, smoking, failure of using safety belts as well as suicide commission. Consequently, SADD has its basic mission of providing students with the most adequate preventive and intervention protocol that would perhaps encourage any activity of drunk driving, destructive decisions, drug abuse and underage drinking. Across the years since its conception, SADD has even incorporated various activities that help to spread its message to a broad domain of the societal population. They have used ‘pre-prom’ assemblies that have been held in various districts in helping to provide a better scope of awareness to the societal domain about the dangers allied to driving while drunk. Across the years, SADD have invited people towards participating in various conferences that aim at working together in addressing the aspect of driving and drinking. It has in the recent years expanded its horizons to incorporate various virtuous topics that are not related to drinking. This includes eating disorders, teenage pregnancies, driving practices that are not safe and broad-spectrum of social issues affecting the teens. Their focus has been addressing the long and short-term implications of various destructive decisions taken by the youth. Like SADD, MADD has its foundation of addressing various aspects on driving and drinking. MADD stands for â€Å"Mothers Against Drunk Driving†. The foundation of MADD was seen in 1980 by a group of women from California. This was after a driver hit a 13 year-old-girl before running away. The same driver had recently been out of the jail after being convicted of yet another crime of hitting accident. Historically, he had formerly committed other several accidents. However, since the 1980 this organization (MADD) has seen a massive expansion and growth. To formalize its activities, MADD provided an official position of its president who is elected and remains in the office for a specific time period. (http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference. aspx) Currently, MADD is an organization operating at the grass root level and compounds around 600 chapters across the world. However, it does not deliver any campaign against alcoholism as thought by many people. However, it has its mission of stopping drunk driving, preventing underage drinking, and supporting the pertinent victims who commit the crime of drunk driving. It has its focus on looking towards the most appropriate and effective solutions, which can be provided towards problems allied to underage drinking and drunk driving. Elsewhere, it has its motive towards providing support for those already salvaged by these crimes through giving moral support and counseling. (Sarah, 1995, 79) Considerably therefore, both the SADD and the MADD are social organizations that are aimed at improving and promoting the state of living held by young people. At a closer range, SADD is a students organization with its benchmark towards helping students against the subjective influence of peer pressure influence. It has its motive of striking a balance between the proximities of education that is combined with a positive peer pressure influence. Through this motive, SADD mission believes that there will be an autonomous life saving. Like SADD, MADD has its mission statement rooted in the well being of the society through postulating an imaginary that promotes their livelihood. It aims at improving and sustaining the status of their lives by addressing various problems that affect the social life phenomena of the youth. (Gerald, 1991, 92) Generally, both the SADD and MADD have almost the same operational framework in their regions of support. By and large, the two organizations have seen it worth of using social conferences that help to address the broad outlay social problems and crimes that affect the youth. Generally, use of conferences has been a motivating campaign that has seen the process of counseling produce adequate results and benefits. Elsewhere, direct conduct of students with the other members of the society has been an adequate tool towards describing how they operate in the regions. Students and the youth in general elaborates and campaign to the society through oral persuasion to address the impacts and the consequences of different crimes to the other members of the society. Notedly also, a full pledge of campaign has been achieved through posters, signs, signals, artistic works and other stylistic devices. (http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference.aspx) Generally, these organizations can highly be echoed of their response effectiveness towards meeting their goals. Since their primary mission has been to disseminate awareness on how the young people are to provide fruitful benefits. Many youths and students have incorporated the teachings of the organization giving them fruitful benefits towards avoiding the negative impacts of such crimes to their lives and the general society. Notedly, there has been a more conscious awareness across the board by students in knowing the relative impact of driving while drunk. The social imaginary of the youth have also been positively modeled by the lessons learnt from their teachings. Work cited Gerald, D. Waging the Battle against Drunk Driving: Issues, Countermeasures, and Effectiveness. Mahwah, NJ, Praeger, 1991, pp. 92 Sarah, S. U. S. Women’s Interest Groups. Institutional Profiles. Greenwood Press, 1995, pp. 79 This Year SADD Conference. Retrieved on 8th May 2008 from http://chicagoathome. com/dct/54/id/3528/mid/2347/This-Year–S-A-D-D–Conference. aspx
Saturday, January 4, 2020
World history The change in Imperialism Essay - 658 Words
World history: The change in Imperialism Social, economic, and political change altered the nature of imperialism in three principal ways. One was the amplified need for natural resources, two was the new understanding of economics, and three was the expanding sense of what it meant to be civilized. All of these events and ideas were lead up to by the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution altered the course of history in numerous ways but the most significant is certainly that of imperialism. The industrialization created a rise in population and thus a rise in demand. This in it of itself did not lead to the need for conquest but it was certainly a contributing factor. The Industrial revolution began to produce goods†¦show more content†¦Now what is civilization, well according to the Europeans it was white, privileged, European men and women. So this new idea plays into slavery. People would go on trips to â€Å"civilize†and enslave the people that they met. They would strip them of original culture and procreate their lands and resources. And coincidentally this worked right be side the Europeans need for resources, because these â€Å"mission trips†weren’t about mission at all they were about conquest and finding new territories and peoples that they could use to their benefit. â€Å"Everyone who knows little about aboriginal races is aware that these races which are low type mentally and who at the same time are weak in constitution rapidly die out when their country becomes occupied by a different race much more rigors and robust pushing themselves.†This idea stated by George Pullwiok was the general idea of most people in this time period. So how did this contribute to the conquering of people? Well this thinking also created the idea of the white means burden. Europeans commonly believed that it was their duty to civilize those who they saw to be inferior, so it was yet again another excuse for them to go and attack, conquer, and colonize countries. The downfall of states that did not industrialize was clearly apart of the change in imperialism because allowed other superior states to gain control and to try and dominate. Countries likeShow MoreRelatedEssay On Ecological Imperialism1618 Words  | 7 PagesEcological Imperialism and the New World Starting from the times that countries started travelling overseas and conquering other lands, they used this newfound power to supply their own greedy desires through ecological imperialism. This process altered this new landscape and homogenized it into the ways Europeans wanted it with the natives taking all or most of the side effects, while all the benefits went to the colonizers. Using various sources from authors such as Crosby, Piper, SandlosRead MoreBrionna Johnson. 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